Ulixes started its activities in 1994. Linux just born, no banners with ads on the net, no sms longer than 160 characters, no Euro, no Schengen, 12 countries in the EU, multimedia on the cutting edge of innovation in training: but some people already understood the importance of working together and pooling experience.
They came from Italy, Spain, UK, Greece, France.
They had in common a need and a vision: the need for sharing and the vision of a European training area with no barriers, where one could exploit competences developed through training programmes in one country, to study or work in another one.
They knew well tools and direct funding channels of the EU: COMETT, ADAPT, NOW, Youthstart, Leonardo da Vinci. They were practical and business-oriented: they chose the European Economic Interest Grouping, a dispositive in force since 1985, meant to facilitate or develop the economic activities of its members by a pooling of resources, activities or skills. The clear goal was to produce better results than the members acting alone. It is not intended that the grouping should make profits for itself. If it does make any profits, they will be apportioned among the members. Its activities must be related to the economic activities of its members, but cannot replace them.
They set the duration of the Grouping up to 1998. Actually, they did not know that the story they started would last much longer.
Projects and resources
Since its birth, Ulixes members develop and perform outstanding EU projects in several fields, from lifelong learning to human resources development, from social inclusion to information technologies. Discover our most relevant activities.
Together we can make a lasting impact
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For any additional information or clarification, the applicant is kindly requested to fill the form or to contact Ulixes Head Office.
Ulixes ‐ European Union Training and Research E.E.I.G.
c/o I.F.O.A. Via Gianna Giglioli Valle, 11 IT – 42124 Reggio Emilia
Phone: +39 0522 329243 – Fax: +39 0522 284708
E‐mail: secretariat@ulixesnet.eu
Web: www.ulixesnet.eu
Ulixes European Union Training and Research EEIG – via Gianna Giglioli Valle, 11 – 42124 Reggio Emilia, Italy
REA: RE – 204251 – n° iscrizione reg. imprese: 91049070351 – P.IVA: 01612170355
capitale sociale versato: 0€
Copyright © 2024 Ulixes European Union Training and Research E.E.I.G.| All rights reserved.
A European Economic Interest Group is a legal entity based on European Union law.
The purpose of the grouping is to facilitate and develop the economic activities of its members by a pooling of resources, activities or skills.
EEIG’s are non-profit consortia playing an auxiliary role: they do not replace partners for bidding purposes; rather, they gather members around common ideas and goals.
António Fernando Albuquerque Canhão, born in Vila Viçosa, Portugal, has dedicated his professional life to education, training, and innovation in teaching methodologies.
He holds a degree in Teaching Biology and Geology from the University of Évora, complemented by a course on “Technical Valorisation Oriented for School Administration” delivered by the National Institute of Administration (INA), I.P. He further advanced his academic journey by earning a Master’s degree in Educational Sciences, specialising in Adult Training, from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Lisbon.
Since 1983, António has worked as a Professor of Biology and Geology in the GR-520 group, cultivating a profound passion for teaching and fostering innovation in education.
Over the years, António has taken on numerous leadership roles:
António is also a founding partner of Edugep, Lda, and serves as a board member of AI9.pt, the Portuguese Association for Social and Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Since 1994, António has actively participated in numerous European projects, particularly in the fields of education and training. His work has focused on designing and implementing technical and professional training courses at Levels 3, 4, and 5 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), contributing to the advancement of skills development and employability across the European Union.
With decades of expertise, António remains at the forefront of educational innovation, continuously striving to enhance teaching methodologies and promote excellence in education and training.
Jesús Hernández Blasco
Vice President
With 24 years of experience in vocational education and training, Jesús Hernández Blasco has demonstrated an exceptional commitment to the education and development of his students. His career includes 15 years as head of studies at one of the largest centres in the Valencian Community, where he has led initiatives to improve educational quality and adapt programmes to the needs of the labour market. His ability to manage teams and foster a positive learning environment has been fundamental to the school’s success. In addition, his involvement in European projects for more than 10 years reflects his dedication to innovation and international collaboration, enriching the educational experience of his students and promoting the exchange of best practices. This combination of experience, leadership and focus on continuous improvement makes him a reference in the field of vocational education and training, contributing significantly to educational development in his community. His passion for teaching and his commitment to the integral formation of students are qualities that make him stand out in his profession.
Luca Boetti (IT)
Head of Secretariat
Since 1985 Luca Boetti has been working for IFOA, training institute delivering both traditional and ODL post-diploma and post-graduate training for young unemployed, as well as lifelong training for professionals, practitioners and individuals, and consulting services and technical assistance for citizens, enterprises and public administrations. He is head of the European projects department and has been Vice President of E.E.I.G. “Ulixes” from 2006 till 2012. He has been working in VET since 1997, designing and managing several national and EU projects (Erasmus +, COSME, LLP/Leonardo da Vinci and Grundtvig, Interreg, Eco-Innovation, ESF Article 6 innovative measures, EQUAL, etc.) Former lecturer for University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, he is also a certified auditor for the Italian University Quality Management System, and in the list of project evaluators for the Italian Leonardo da Vinci agency, ISFOL.
Organisations willing to apply for Ulixes membership are kindly requested to
Lange Nieuwstraat 101 – 2000 Antwerp
Phone: +48 41 345 1313
Fax: +48 41 345 7888
Hilde Hoefnagels
Mobile: +32 496 70 36 66
Meistraat 5,
Grillparzerstrasse 50, A-4021 Linz – Austria
Phone:+43 732 6922 56
Stefan Oppl
Avenida Independência das Colónias, nº6 B
2900-406 Setúbal, Portugal
Phone:+351 265 185 750
Antonio Goncalves
Phone: +351962180647
Via Gianna Giglioli Valle, 11 – 42123 Reggio Emilia – Italy
Phone: +39 0522 329273
Luca Boetti
Phone: +39 0522 329273
Fax: +39 0522 284708
C/ de la Casa de la Misericòrdia, 34, L’Olivereta, 46014 Valencia, Spagna
Phone: +34 961 205920
Jesús Hernández Blasco
Phone: +34 961 205920
Saltoniškių g. 58 – 1, 08105, Vilnius, Lithuania
+370 521 91600
Laima Paraukiene
Phone/fax: +370 640 72321